Monday, March 21, 2011

How to Make a Smile Sign

Hi everyone! I am indibug! I created this post for those of you who want to make a Smile Sign, but don't know how. You can use this as a guide for making your own, but also look at the picture on our homepage as you create one. Alright, here we go:
-Take a piece of paper that is 8',11' and cut it in half
-Then at the top of it, write a cheerful phrase about smiling, ex.-we hope we brightened your day, "your never fully dressed without a smile", have a happy day, making the world a happier place one smile at a time, etc.
-Under that, write "please take a smile"
-At the bottom of the page, make a lot os little slits at the bottom about 2 1/2 centimeters long.
-On each slit, draw a small smile so that people can take one if they would like to

Thank you all so much for helping us make everyone happier!
Love and Happiness,
mayabean and indibug :):):):):):):):);)

Smiling Success

Hello Everyone! I am indibug! My sister and I take a walk around the neighborhood to see how many people have taken a smile. The signs are going really well, my sister and I am so happy to see the many people who have had a happier day because of the sign, that makes us feel really good!

Thank you Ms. Twixt for posting a comment! I will give you my own reply even though my sister already did. Your question about how other kids can help get involved in this was great! Other kids can help by making other smile signs around their neighborhood so that more and more people could be happier. If you do not know how to make a smile sign, you can look at the picture on our homepage, or you can read the "How to Make a Smile Sign" post that will be up for viewers in the very near future. Thank you all so much for helping us make the world a happier place, one smile at a time
Love and Happiness,
mayabean and indibug :):):):):):):):);)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hey everyone! I'm indibug, the other sister. Just in case you have not heard, we have been putting up signs around our block to help make people smile more. we were inspired by a flair buttonon facebook (if you can believe it)and thought it was an amazing idea and decided to spread the smiles. If you have ever seen a little baby or toddler smile, it is the sweetest and cutest thing in the world. any onlooker could not help but surpress a smile and sometimes a laugh. If you have ever seen an adult smile, it is usually because it is usually caused by something amusing, sweet, or funny. My sister and I have created these signs in hope of making this small miracles happen more often. Well that's all for today!
Peace,Love,and Happiness,
mayabean and indibug :):):):):):):):);)

Checking up

Hi Everyone!
This is mayabean speaking! We just walked around the neighborhood to check out how our Smile Signs were doing. They were well received! A lot of the smiles were gone so hopefully we brightened someones day!
Peace,Love,and Happiness,
mayabean and indibug :):):):):):):):);)