Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hey everyone! I'm indibug, the other sister. Just in case you have not heard, we have been putting up signs around our block to help make people smile more. we were inspired by a flair buttonon facebook (if you can believe it)and thought it was an amazing idea and decided to spread the smiles. If you have ever seen a little baby or toddler smile, it is the sweetest and cutest thing in the world. any onlooker could not help but surpress a smile and sometimes a laugh. If you have ever seen an adult smile, it is usually because it is usually caused by something amusing, sweet, or funny. My sister and I have created these signs in hope of making this small miracles happen more often. Well that's all for today!
Peace,Love,and Happiness,
mayabean and indibug :):):):):):):):);)


  1. I think that this is a GREAT idea! How fun! How can other kids get in on this project?

  2. Hi Ms.Twixt,
    Thanks for the feedback! Even though I am not indibug I'll answer your question. Other kids can get involved by making their own signs and sending us emails about what they did! We would be more than happy to post their projects on our blog! They can also tell their friends and people in the neighborhood about the project so we can all help spread the smiles!
    Peace, Love, and Happiness,
    mayabean and indibug :):):):):):):):);)
